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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stupid Satan-Stupid Me

December 8, 2011
Today, I am admitting to a very shameful “pet peeve” I possess… Frankly, I am afraid that at the very least it is a flaw in my character, and could even be a spiritual handicap… I am not sure. But I am still going to confess it:
I hate receiving Bible scriptures via text messages and, also let me add, sometimes e-mail as well. It irritates me.  I almost never respond.  Often, I don’t even read the scriptures. Terrible. I know.  I told you it was bad.
Now there are exceptions…for instance.  Every so often, my mom will send me a copy of a devotion that she and my dad have read together that made them think of me. And I know that because of that, they have actually prayed a special prayer for me the night they read it because God laid me on their heart. And there are other times that I gladly receive the Word of God from a friend or family member.
I don’t mind reading verses people post on Facebook.  In fact, I have been known to post a section of my own daily devotions or the scriptures from them every so often.  That is different. Why? I don’t know.
This morning I was in the middle of my daily routine- waiting on my tea water to boil while reading my devotion.  I have been reading the devotion book “God Calling” for almost a year now.  It was a gift from my mom at Christmas (and, yes, I was so happy to receive it! So maybe I am not completely void of all things spiritual). I actually purchased the “God Calling” app for my iPhone this summer which I now use every day, often two to three times a day. This morning, smack in the middle of my reading a text message pops up with a scripture and a website link! I received one yesterday morning as well, from the same dear friend whose heart is gold, and I know her intentions are pure.  But even knowing this, I was irritated.  I closed the text message- without reading the scripture and even closed my devotion!
My focus turned immediately away from God and His word and to my own selfishness. This was what was going on in my head, (and again, I am confessing to emotions I know are stinky) “I don’t want to receive text messages of Bible verses everyday just because I have shared that I am going through a bit of a difficult situation! I HATE THAT! I can and do read my own Bible.  I do NOT need a Junior Holy spirit! Just because that scripture speaks to you, it does not mean it is speaking to me.  If you feel like it is speaking to you regarding me, then say a prayer for me!”
Okay! Okay! So I am sure you are all praying for me right now…and I do need it… but God did quietly and gently speak to me as I was throwing a mental fit…I suddenly realized that Satan was able to use scripture against me…and I had let him!! Not only had I not read the scripture sent to me, I had not finished my devotion, had given up my quiet time with the Lord and had generally let my mood turn sour.  Seriously, all because someone had text messaged me a Bible Verse?  Stupid Satan- and Stupid Me!
I went back and finished my devotion. I went back and read the scripture from my friend. I finished my time face to face with God. My mood changed. My spirit lifted. I am thankful for the Word of God, however it comes to me. I am thankful for friends who love me enough to pray for me and send me scriptures. I am humbled and thankful that God loves me in spite of my sinful self!
Will I react differently the next time I receive Bible verses via text message or e-mail? Hopefully. But, probably not.  However, I pray that God will remind me of the events of this morning and I will be able to step back and just take in the Word!
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

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